Month: October 2022

Article Marketing For Beginners – 5 Tips For Top Results

Here are the five most important things that you should remember when writing content for your article marketing campaigns:
1. Grab the readers attention right away.
Writing articles for online marketing is more technical than creative, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have your readers in mind when you write. It is important to catch your readers’ attention right in the lead paragraph. Readers have a short attention span, and lead paragraphs often determine for them whether or not the rest of the article is worth their time.
2. Control the flow of information.
Especially when you’ve done your research, it is so easy to forget to keep your writing to the confines of the page view. As a result, you end up unloading all the information that you can to your readers. When you write, you don’t have to solve all your readers’ problems. The best approach is still to stick to a focal point and organize relevant information around it, rather than putting together all your data into a hodgepodge of unrelated information.
3. Break up data into readable portions.
Writing a flowing article for article marketing purposes is also a challenge. To avoid creating an article with jarring paragraphs, we recommend breaking up your information and organizing them into lists or bullet points.
4. You have to sound credible. You can do this by quoting experts, official figures, or the news. If you want to take it a step further and market yourself as your own expert, you can also share your views or comments on other experts’ opinions.
5. Clean up spelling and grammar lapses. Just when you think, you’re done, remember that you are not-at least not until you have proofread your article for spelling errors and grammar lapses. After all, a clean article speaks of the author’s credibility.

Build Your Network Marketing Empire by Focusing on the Numbers

Build Your Network Marketing Empire by Focusing on the Numbers

Do you envision of yourself walking across a stage at a network marketing convention, the lights shining down on you, your team cheering you on, and you being honored for your outstanding accomplishments? Whether you are building your network marketing business full time or investing just a few hours a week, if your dream is to advance to a high level of leadership within your company, you simply must learn to build your business strategically.

How do you do this? The answer is to keep your focus on the numbers and the results will take care of themselves!

Now, many network marketing professionals will share that they would rather do just about anything rather than crunch the numbers, because by nature we love people, not numbers. However, if I was to tell you that building your business by the numbers will result in higher sales, more bookings, and consistently welcoming new recruits to your team each month, would you consider the possibility then?

What do I really mean by building your business by the numbers? It means making sure that every day, every week, and every month you make a connection, share your business opportunity, and talk about your opportunity with enough people so that you are assured recruiting and booking success. How many is enough you might ask. If we look at the network marketing industry average, we will discover that for every 10 people we talk to about our business opportunity, we can expect to sponsor about one new person onto our team.

But wait! We are very busy people with full lives and other obligations. So how in the world will we be able to talk to that many people each and every week? The answer very clearly is to use technology. You can do webinars, telephone conferences, and other things to speak to these people. They will be free qualified prospects who are very interested in your products and your opportunity and accepting of the way you do business. The people who are willing to attend these functions often are opportunity seekers who like to meet new people and love learning new things. Does this not sound like the kind of person you like on your team, of course it does!

Let’s take a look at this statistically

1. You consistently worked with your downline to have at least 10 people present ay each teleconference, webinar, or event that you are holding.

2. You include compelling sponsoring seeds throughout your presentation.

3. You offer each guest the opportunity to learn more about the business of their own, then you would potentially fine one new recruit from every event.

Just imagine the possibilities of presenting your opportunity to 520 people simply by holding one event per week for an entire year. With a one out of 10 closing ratio, that would result in approximately 52 new, quality people add it to your team! How was your bonus …

Affiliate Marketing Tips: Increase Conversions To Sales

Affiliate marketing doesn’t have to be so hard as it might seem to some people. Using these tips, I hope you provide you with an easier approach that should result in you securing more sales that you might do otherwise.
Remember with affiliate marketing, that it’s not really your job to close the sale. Your role is to pull in the traffic and then get your traffic warmed up and ready to view the product that you want to promote to them. Any well respected vendor will have already optimised their sales page to be the strongest that it can be for closing the sale. It’s just your job to send targeted traffic to it. In this article, I’m going to share with you an approach that will help you on your way to getting the traffic.
So assuming that you already have a website or you have planned where to add content about your product, then I’m going to share with you the first step on your route to pulling in the customers. This first step is research. What I suggest that you do is to look for the product online. If the product sells on Amazon then go to the page for it and read the reviews there. Take notes on what you find, you’re going to use this material in the next step. If the product is sold through Clickbank, then you might have a tougher time, but still invest some time looking for authentic reviews from people who really have purchased the product.
One of the other sites that you can use for research purpose in your affiliate marketing is YouTube. Look for a video of the product that you want to sell. Once you have found one that has been viewed by as many people as possible, scroll down to see what the comments read. These comments will hopefully be from people who have questions or even answers about the product in the video. Again, I want you to take notes on this. Look for trends and important questions and answers that are related to this particular product.
Just one more place that you might want to check for more material is in forums. You can use the product name and then add inurl:forum next to it in a Google search. This will bring back all the comments in forums about that particular product.
The next step for you to take is writing content. Use the material that you have collected in the reviews to create supplementary information about your product. Write the important and frequently asked questions that people have asked with an answer. Don’t be afraid of adding a little bit of negativity too – this will only help towards making your information be more authentic.
Finally, you’ll need to promote your content across the web as you would with your other pieces of marketing material. Perhaps you want to create a Squidoo page, write an ezine article or even use forums and …

Buy Articles for Article Marketing Automation

Buy Articles for Article Marketing Automation

Article marketing without having to write articles sounds very nice in theory, but the sad truth is that it’s just not worth it. You see, many services that offer articles for you to buy aren’t completely honest when it comes to the uniqueness of those articles. The same articles are sold to other people as well.

Of course, it would be stupid of them to copy the exact same article word for word and sell them to other people. You’d find the article you’ve just bought on another article directory and you’d be asking for your money back, so they just tweek these articles just enough so you won’t notice.

But even though YOU don’t notice, GOOGLE WILL! Google is constantly changing it’s algorithm to prevent ranking websites that offer the same information, and they have become darn good at it!

When you buy articles for article marketing automation, you may get a couple of clicks and you may be ranked for a few days, but it’s nothing compared to what you can achieve by writing your own original content with consistency.

If you do want to buy articles for article marketing automation, be VERY careful not to fall for shiny things, offering ways to get more while doing less.

The same goes for services that offer to get you thousands of backlinks. These backlinks are often on websites Google doesn’t even know of and most of the backlinks are also completely irrelevant (I tried a service like this once and I had 500 backlinks on Arabian forums).

My advice is: If you want to be successful online, you have to be willing to work at it! Write your own articles and your own unique content. You’d be amazed of what you can achieve with some patience and determination!

Video Marketing Automation

Video Marketing Automation

Video Marketing Automation, in fact any kind of automation is key for the brand new internet marketer. I remember when I very first started at building my online business, I started on a part-time basis because I had a full-time job. This is pretty standard for a lot of people trying to break into internet marketing and build a lucrative online business.

The reason I started to look for ways to automate any part of my business was because I made the wise move of hiring an Internet Marketing Coach. One day my coach told me “when you are starting out, automation is key.”

I took this to heart and started to look at the areas of internet marketing I was spending most time that could be automated. I discovered that there was some excellent market leading software that was to be used for video marketing automation.

Before I really get into video marketing automation, let’s just first make sure you understand exactly why automation is so important to the Internet Marketing newbie. You will probably be starting your online business in the evenings and weekends because you already have prior commitments. That means time is a valuable resource that you don’t have a lot of. So it would make total sense to do anything that could either save you time using video marketing automation (or any other automation) or, have some kind of productivity happening when you are unable to work on your online business.

With the time saved then you can focus on either other marketing strategies, or put time into your Internet Marketing training and education. Both of those activities are going to hugely benefit your new online business.

Specifically with video marketing there are some very time-consuming tasks. Things like adding friends to your channel, adding subscribers, commenting on other relevant videos, sending messages, sending bulletins and sharing your videos all take up a lot of precious time.

The good news is though that through a quick search on the internet you will be able to find some fantastic software that is specifically designed for video marketing automation. This means all of the tedious but necessary tasks I listed above can be done without you doing them!

This carries a lot of power for the internet marketing newbie specifically because of those extra tight time constraints. More advanced marketers will use these kinds of software’s too for the similar reasons

Personally when I first started out, even though I felt very frustrated when I was sitting at my desk at my 9-5, it was very comforting knowing that my online business was being productive through video marketing automation. Then when I got home I would either focus on some more direct marketing methods or spend time training and education myself on Internet Marketing in general.

Video marketing automation software can provide a consistent flow of targeted traffic to your website, which is exactly what every marketer wants.

When you look at the bigger …

Email Marketing – Don’t Make The Major Mistake Of Sending Too Much Email

Email Marketing – Don’t Make The Major Mistake Of Sending Too Much Email

Do Not Send More Email Than Expected

It is best to be up front about this with your sign up. You should make it clear about what the subscribers can expect in the way of his subscription for your email news, content, or promotions. People expect to receive a given amount of email. They don’t expect to receive email more than once a day and to be sure most people don’t expect even that. Sending more than indicated or implied or more than once or twice weekly when there is no indication is sure to burn out your subscribers and will generate spam complaints and unsubscribes. This certainly damages your reputation and destroys trust in receiving content of value and quality especially when you have lots of promotions intertwined with lots of emails being sent out. So tone it down and be reasonable in delivery of good quality content offering great value to your subscribers.

The best way to avoid problems is to set out what the expectations are at opt-in and honor them. You could even put the frequency in the newsletter name so it is known what is expected. You can always allow for some expansion by doing the following: Create a sub-list and send your subscribers an invite to add that list to their subscriptions. This can be especially useful for seasonal business that you want to add to your mailings.

Look At Your Own Experience For Guidance

As an example from my own personal experience, I receive email that addresses an issue of my interest and makes an offer of a product or service. The next day I receive an email addressing another issue and an offer of a another product or service that can solve the issue. The next day I again receive an email addressing the issue received a day earlier in a different way, but again offering the same product or service. This continues on a daily basis of sending email about various issues and making various product and service offerings and then repetitive emails repeating offers. Even though they are presented in a different way, I see them as being too aggressive. This makes me think the only real interest is in how many sales the marketer can make. Instead it would have been better if much of the email would have been just addressing issues and perhaps offering some known free resources to access and to occasionally make offerings for products or services needed that are only available as paid resources and presenting a good presentation as to why they are needed.

Your subscribers may tell you what they want if you have not frustrated them with too much email. Every subscriber you have is a real person who has opted in because they have a real need. If you frustrate them with too much email, then they will send your email to the spam folder and unsubscribe.…

Easy Marketing Tips That Can Quickly Boost Your Sales And Profits

If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to boost your sales and profits, this article is for you. I will share with you today some things that often go missed when marketing your business. The first thing you want to do is worry about your competitors. You want to get an insider scoop of what they’re doing and how they’re doing it. This will let you know who you biggest rivals are.
Once you figure out who your rivals are, you can go in, implement what they’re doing in their business, and see how they operate things. The best way to go about finding out all of this information is by becoming a customer of theirs. And it’s okay if you can’t find out EVERYTHING that they’re doing – you just want to gather enough intelligence so that you can get the upper hand on them.
Another thing that you should be doing to improve your sales and profits is to advertise in the right places. What I mean by that is just that you want to run your ads in places where your target market reads, or where they hangout at. When you discover this piece of information, you should be waiting in line ready to market to these people.
These ideal locations could be in the mall, at a movie theatre, at a grocery store, and etc. Find out where your prospects are hiding out at, and come up with a solution better than what you have been getting before.
It’s OK if you don’t know a lot right now. Just keep learning and hoping that you’ll have better days ahead of you. You can’t expect to be a great leader in your business if you haven’t mastered the basic techniques. Therefore, you should make the transition from business owner, to master marketer overnight.
You have to picture what it is that your prospects are looking for, and then supply them the solution. But sometimes it’s hard to come up with these kinds of assumption, so you will want to go on the internet to see what things you can do to keep customers back to you.
You should hang out in forums and newsgroups to figure out what your prospect is talking about, and how you can offer your similar customers who have the same problems as yours. Because more than likely in a niche – no matter the state – people are feeling the pain the exact same way. So it’s something that can be plausible that multiple people are using the same problems in their lives also.
If you want to have success with marketing in your business, you need a strong marketing plan. And with this plan, you will want to start with selling to your backend customers. You’re profits (80%) of them will come from having these people time and time again.
Hopefully you can use these tips to have the kind of success that you dream of. These tips are …

Article Marketing Tips – How Article Marketing Can Help You Make Big Money Online

If you want to make big money online, you’ll have to become an expert in at least one form of online advertising. One of the most effective tools for helping you achieve this task is using article marketing, which is a free strategy that is also easy to use.
If you want to use article marketing in order to build your online business, or you are on the fence about whether or not it is right for you, then the three explanations below can help you make a wise choice as to whether it will help you build your online business or not:
#1 – It is a pre-selling tool
Possibly one of the greatest things about having lots of articles out there for others to see is that it can be seen as a pre-selling tool. This simply means that when people read your articles they are being pre-sold, not just for your products but also to your ability to help them.
#2 – It can eliminate hesitation when you have lots of info out there
People making online purchases have some level of hesitation simply because they are blindly purchasing without being able to see the product or talk to the business owner. When you have a lot of articles for people to read, it eliminates some level of hesitation as they recognize that you are the real deal in online business.
#3 – It makes you look like an expert in your field
Simply put, the more information you have out there the more you come across as an expert in your field. The key to putting more out there is to work consistently and to build your brand, and when this happens not only does it bring you more leads, but it makes those leads perceive you as an expert.

Selling in a Business

Selling in a Business

Selling in a business is the main reason why people start one in the first place. Whether you are operating a retail shop, service store, contracting firm, factory or a wholesale outlet, you will have to sell as you are going to need the funds to move on. It does not matter if your product is the best in your market or just average, you have to make a sale in order to survive in the long run.

The idea of direct selling is done through the effort of personally selling, advertising and displaying for many businesses which include packaging and styling of a product. Establishing a good reputation among your customers or prospects is an indirect method of selling in a business. While indirect selling should not be neglected no matter how remote or unprofitable it may seem at the start, it should not be neglected as it has a major impact for any business in the long run. This article will discuss how you can benefit from direct selling techniques.

In order to get your business firm on a stable footing, you are going to need a lot of aggressive personal selling to get this established. If you have established a place in your market to overcome your competition, then you are already getting there. But if you are working on a new idea with little or no competition at all, you will be dealing with the problem of persuading people of the service or product’s value. This is the stage where you need a lot of personal selling to accomplish this. If you are having problems with your selling, seek an expert marketer as a consultant to help you through this phase.

Another way to increase your sales is through advertising. You can do this by utilizing mediums such as magazines, shopping papers, yellow pages or the telephone directory. Effective yet a bit costly methods are also available such as advertising through radio and television. The overall message of your advertisement will depend on which method you will choose to target a specific audience. Match the characteristics of your audience with the type of media you wish to use in order to gain its maximum benefit. For example, if you are selling automobiles, it will do you not much good if you advertise in high school newspapers, but advertising about gadgets and cellular phones may work.

It is wise to put a limit on the amount you will be spending as advertising can become very expensive. If not taken care of, it can siphon a lot of cash from you and you won’t even notice it until you are low on finances. Study the operating ratio of other businesses that are related to yours in order to determine how much you are going to spend when it comes to selling in a business you own. Be sure that you place a budget on your limitations and add a little allowance for other unseen …

Small Business Marketing Strategies – Promotional Items

Small Business Marketing Strategies – Promotional Items

When launching a small business, it is often wise to have some promotional items which help your potential and past clients, so that your business is the one they go to once a need presents itself. Here are three tips to ensure that you win their business using promotional items:

1. The item should be used when a customer might need your product or service

Although it requires some understanding of buyer psychology, it is worth the effort to employ promotional items which keep your business at the top of your customers’ minds when they have a need for your product or service. Determining how, when, where, who and what other factors might be involved in influencing your customers’ purchase decisions enables you to choose promotional items which tip these odds in your favor.

2. The item should make it easy to do business with you

Good promotional items can also help by preventing common objections, especially those which occur when new customers are not as familiar with your offerings. If nothing else, each and every item should have a web address or phone number where your business can be reached. This is especially important when the web address is not obvious, or if the phone number is difficult to remember. You can certainly give an item as a gift, but if there is no contact information provided, then that will be the only purpose they ever serve. You might even consider having this vital information engraved, in cases where it can rub or wear off.

3. The item is best if it is also restrictive

A restrictive promotional item is one which has enormous benefit to people in your target market, but which is less likely to be used by other groups of people. This ensures that you are getting the most value out of your marketing dollars. For example, a tutoring company might print the name of its firm and contact information on pens to promote itself. However, it would be better for this company to print the name and contact information on pencils, as these are more often used by students, and less likely to be used by other groups of people.

Accordingly, by offering promotional items which influence the buying process at the right time, which make it easy to do business with you, and which are restricted to your target market, it is more likely that your promotional items will have a positive impact on the sales process.

Copyright 2010, by Marc Mays

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