Tag: building

Article Marketing Tips for List Building

Being an online marketer and advertiser, you most likely understand the value of building a huge customer base and your sales will be dependent on the number of people patronizing your website. The only way to ensure yourself of consistency in sales in your online business is to convince more people to subscribe to what you are saying, convince more people to sign up on your website and create a long consumer base and in this front, article writing can help you in more ways than one.
The very first thing that you need to do (and this is the eternal rule in online advertising) is make sure that you maintain very interesting and ever changing content in your articles to make sure that you have a continuing influx of interested readers because the moment that you are able to capture a specific group of people, they will become addicted to what you have to say especially if your first articles are interestingly presented with wit and humor combination. The first thing that they will do is talk about you and wait in awe and anticipation on the next episodes of your articles, using word of mouth to advertise your website. Know what your target audience wants and what they usually search for and hinge your articles on the keywords that they regularly use.
Aside from getting the pulse of the people you are trying to target, you have to write more and more articles, as many as you can because just like any selling game, the more attempts you make, the more appointments you keep, the more people you sell to, the bigger your sales output would be even if you do not make an actual sale on the first point of contact that you make. Selling is always a numbers game and the more your attempts are, the more sales you will be able to close.
More articles mean wider exposure so if you have extra money, hire people to write more articles for you, in that way you are increasing your article submission by more than double which means your exposure is also increased exponentially and you know what happens when more people look at your website or read your articles. That way, you would not spend all your hours just writing and submitting articles but in the process make sure that you are hiring those with good article writing track records and those who can produce more in a short period of time.
At the same time, ensure that the articles that you are submitting are of top caliber and very informative so that you can convince more people to read on and eventually buy what you have to sell.…

List Building – Article Marketing Plus List Building Equals Money

If you are new in internet marketing, you would often hear experts in this field advising you to build your list over and over again. It is of great magnitude to have a powerful list of targeted potential customers in order to accomplish your goal of making surefire money out of your internet marketing efforts. List building can never be effective if you won’t use a combining method for the realization of your ideals. Article marketing when combined with powerful list building efforts can really drive real money flowing in to your site and later on to your bank account.
Tip # 1 – Finding websites and article directories is not enough. You have to find article sites within your niche that has a strong impact on the prospects that you are targeting to be your own clients in the near future. Choose the top article directories with your intention to make a strong push for the success of your article marketing endeavors.
Tip # 2 – Never request readers to subscribe to your products or service. If you do this, there is a great chance that you would “shoo” them away from you and what you are trying to promote. What you need to do is to tell them why they need to subscribe. In a very strong but powerful statement, tell them what benefits will they obtain once they subscribe. This should always be part of your resource box.
Tip # 3 – Let your readers crave for more from you. This is one of the most effective article marketing strategy because a reader hungry for complete information would eventually become a buyer so as to get the information that she wants. This is the reason why you should not mention all the answer to some questions in your free article.…

List Building Tips – Your Free Report Stinks

Well, this is one article that I know is going to get a lot of people all riled up. So be it. If you’re one of those Internet marketers who gives away free reports in order to get people onto your list, I’m writing this to tell you that your free report stinks. You heard stinks. Want to know why it stinks? Well, keep reading and you’re going to get an earful.
Okay, where do I start? Well, why don’t I start with the biggest offender of the stinky free report? You didn’t even bother to write it. You heard me. You got some garbage material from who knows where and stuck your name on it. That’s not writing a free report. That’s just plain criminal. How about coming out with an original idea and giving THAT away? Yeah, there’s a novel concept for you.
Want to know why else your free report stinks? It stinks because it’s 7 lousy pages long. Heck, in some areas, that’s not even an article. How about putting at least a little effort into it? I’m not saying it has to be the length of War and Peace, but how about a good 15 to 20 pages? Certainly you can get up enough energy to give your subscribers THAT much.
Here’s another reason why your free report stinks. It’s nothing but a glorified sales letter. You know what I mean. Somebody opens up the report and they’re greeted with a whole lot of “Did you know that…” and so on and so on. And then finally, after you’ve asked all these questions about what the prospect knows and doesn’t know, you end the report with something lame like, “Well, if you want to find out the answers to these questions, go to…” and then you give them a URL. How about actually answering some of the questions in the report itself?
Add to all of the above the fact that the report is terribly formatted, has spelling and grammar mistakes, has no design whatsoever, and you can understand why people get your free report, chuck it in the trash and opt out of your list. That’s a look at your opt out rate. There’s a reason why it’s so bad.
So please, if you’re going to create a free report, please put a little effort into it.
Your subscribers will appreciate it.
To YOUR Success,
Steven Wagenheim…

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